Your starter pack Reserve your starter pack now. Highlights Starter packs Planning Finisher Ready for the Stoneman Glaciara Hike? Perfect! Please complete this registration now. It will only take two minutes. Doing so, we will reserve your personal starter pack. It will be ready for you at the logis partner or official issuing offices you choose. You want to give a starter pack as a gift? In the shop you will find bundles and vouchers to print at home » Do you have a voucher for your starter package? Please enter the code here: voucher code Will you be staying at one of the official logis partners to collect your starter-package? yes no Which logis partner did you book for your accommodation? At which official issuing office would you like to collect your starter pack? Please select Hotel BellwaldHotel The Onya Resort&Spa und Hotel zur Alten GasseLärchenwald LodgeBerglandhof Hotel BnB und Restaurant ErnerGartenHotel ChristaniaHotel des AlpesHotel du GlacierSport Resort FieschHotel AlpinaAlpenblick Wellness- AktivhotelBadehotel Salina Maris – Wellness & VintageCamping und Restaurant TunetschCamping RiversideHotel BlinnenhornHotel JoopiBike Store Schweizer Your logis partner Your issuing office Salutation Mr. Ms. neither Your first name Your lastname Have you already hiked the Stoneman? no yes (You are a hero) Your e-mail address Your email-adress will only be used internally to be able to send you crucial information regarding your ride and to put you in the Finisher-List. You will also receive your 10€ voucher towards your individualised Stoneman jersey by email. Please use the same email address as a Hero as you used for your other most recent time so that they are correctly assigned. E-mail address Repeat e-mail address At which mobile number can we reach you while you tour in case of an emergency? +41... What country do you live in? Please select Deutschland (Germany) Belgien (Belgium) Italien (Italy) Niederlande (Netherlands) Österreich (Austria) Schweiz (Switzerland) Tschechische Republik (Czech Republic) Afghanistan (Afghanistan) Ägypten (Egypt) Aland (Åland Islands) Albanien (Albania) Algerien (Algeria) Amerikanisch-Samoa (American Samoa) Amerikanische Jungferninseln (Virgin Islands, U.s.) Andorra (Andorra) Angola (Angola) Anguilla (Anguilla) Antarktis (Antarctica) Antigua und Barbuda (Antigua And Barbuda) Äquatorialguinea (Equatorial Guinea) Argentinien (Argentina) Armenien (Armenia) Aruba (Aruba) Ascension (Ascension) Aserbaidschan (Azerbaijan) Äthiopien (Ethiopia) Australien (Australia) Bahamas (Bahamas) Bahrain (Bahrain) Bangladesch (Bangladesh) Barbados (Barbados) Belize (Belize) Benin (Benin) Bermuda (Bermuda) Bhutan (Bhutan) Bolivien (Bolivia) Bosnien und Herzegowina (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Botswana (Botswana) Bouvetinsel (Bouvet Island) Brasilien (Brazil) Brunei (Brunei Darussalam) Bulgarien (Bulgaria) Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso) Burundi (Burundi) Chile (Chile) China (China) Cookinseln (Cook Islands) Costa Rica (Costa Rica) Cote d'Ivoire (CÔte D'ivoire) Dänemark (Denmark) Diego Garcia (Diego Garcia) Dominica (Dominica) Dominikanische Republik (Dominican Republic) Dschibuti (Djibouti) Ecuador (Ecuador) El Salvador (El Salvador) Eritrea (Eritrea) Estland (Estonia) Europäische Union (Europäische Union) Falklandinseln (Falkland Islands (malvinas)) Färöer (Faroe Islands) Fidschi (Fiji) Finnland (Finland) Frankreich (France) Französisch-Guayana (French Guiana) Französisch-Polynesien (French Polynesia) Gabun (Gabon) Gambia (Gambia) Georgien (Georgia) Ghana (Ghana) Gibraltar (Gibraltar) Grenada (Grenada) Griechenland (Greece) Grönland (Greenland) Großbritannien (Create Britain) Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe) Guam (Guam) Guatemala (Guatemala) Guernsey (Guernsey) Guinea (Guinea) Guinea-Bissau (Guinea-bissau) Guyana (Guyana) Haiti (Haiti) Heard und McDonaldinseln (Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands) Honduras (Honduras) Hongkong (Hong Kong) Indien (India) Indonesien (Indonesia) Irak (Iraq) Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic Of) Irland (Ireland) Island (Iceland) Israel (Israel) Jamaika (Jamaica) Japan (Japan) Jemen (Yemen) Jersey (Jersey) Jordanien (Jordan) Kaimaninseln (Cayman Islands) Kambodscha (Cambodia) Kamerun (Cameroon) Kanada (Canada) Kanarische Inseln (Kanarische Inseln) Kap Verde (Cape Verde) Kasachstan (Kazakhstan) Katar (Qatar) Kenia (Kenya) Kirgisistan (Kyrgyzstan) Kiribati (Kiribati) Kokosinseln (Cocos (keeling) Islands) Kolumbien (Colombia) Komoren (Comoros) Kongo (Congo) Kroatien (Croatia) Kuba (Cuba) Kuwait (Kuwait) Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic) Lesotho (Lesotho) Lettland (Latvia) Libanon (Lebanon) Liberia (Liberia) Libyen (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein) Litauen (Lithuania) Luxemburg (Luxembourg) Macao (Macao) Madagaskar (Madagascar) Malawi (Malawi) Malaysia (Malaysia) Malediven (Maldives) Mali (Mali) Malta (Malta) Marokko (Morocco) Marshallinseln (Marshall Islands) Martinique (Martinique) Mauretanien (Mauritania) Mauritius (Mauritius) Mayotte (Mayotte) Mazedonien (Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of) Mexiko (Mexico) Mikronesien (Micronesia) Moldawien (Moldova) Monaco (Monaco) Mongolei (Mongolia) Montserrat (Montserrat) Mosambik (Mozambique) Myanmar (Myanmar) Namibia (Namibia) Nauru (Nauru) Nepal (Nepal) Neukaledonien (New Caledonia) Neuseeland (New Zealand) Neutrale Zone (Neutrale Zone) Nicaragua (Nicaragua) Niederländische Antillen (Netherlands Antilles) Niger (Niger) Nigeria (Nigeria) Niue (Niue) Nordkorea (North Korea) Nördliche Marianen (Northern Mariana Islands) Norfolkinsel (Norfolk Island) Norwegen (Norway) Oman (Oman) Pakistan (Pakistan) Palästina (Palestinian Territory) Palau (Palau) Panama (Panama) Papua-Neuguinea (Papua New Guinea) Paraguay (Paraguay) Peru (Peru) Philippinen (Philippines) Pitcairninseln (Pitcairn) Polen (Poland) Portugal (Portugal) Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) Réunion (RÉunion) Ruanda (Rwanda) Rumänien (Romania) Russische Föderation (Russian Federation) Salomonen (Solomon Islands) Sambia (Zambia) Samoa (Samoa) San Marino (San Marino) São Tomé und Príncipe (Sao Tome And Principe) Saudi-Arabien (Saudi Arabia) Schweden (Sweden) Senegal (Senegal) Serbien und Montenegro (Serbien und Montenegro) Seychellen (Seychelles) Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone) Simbabwe (Zimbabwe) Singapur (Singapore) Slowakei (Slovakia) Slowenien (Slovenia) Somalia (Somalia) Spanien (Spain) Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka) St. Helena (Saint Helena) St. Kitts und Nevis (Saint Kitts And Nevis) St. Lucia (Saint Lucia) St. Pierre und Miquelon (Saint Pierre And Miquelon) St. Vincent/Grenadinen (GB) (Saint Vincent/Grenadines) Südafrika, Republik (South Africa) Sudan (Sudan) Südkorea (South Korea) Suriname (Suriname) Svalbard und Jan Mayen (Svalbard And Jan Mayen) Swasiland (Swaziland) Syrien (Syrian Arab Republic) Tadschikistan (Tajikistan) Taiwan (Taiwan, Province Of China) Tansania (Tanzania) Thailand (Thailand) Timor-Leste (Timor-leste) Togo (Togo) Tokelau (Tokelau) Tonga (Tonga) Trinidad und Tobago (Trinidad And Tobago) Tristan da Cunha (Tristan da Cunha) Tschad (Chad) Tunesien (Tunisia) Türkei (Turkey) Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) Turks- und Caicosinseln (Turks And Caicos Islands) Tuvalu (Tuvalu) Uganda (Uganda) Ukraine (Ukraine) Ungarn (Hungary) Uruguay (Uruguay) Usbekistan (Uzbekistan) Vanuatu (Vanuatu) Vatikanstadt (Holy See (vatican City State)) Venezuela (Venezuela) Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (United Arab Emirates) Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (United States) Vietnam (Viet Nam) Wallis und Futuna (Wallis And Futuna) Weihnachtsinsel (Christmas Island) Weißrussland (Belarus) Westsahara (Western Sahara) Zentralafrikanische Republik (Central African Republic) Zypern (Cyprus) Country In which state do you live? In which canton do you live? In which region do you live? In which province do you live? Bitte auswählen Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Sachsen-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen Aargau Appenzell Ausserrhoden Appenzell Innerrhoden Basel-Land Basel-Stadt Bern Freiburg Genf Glarus Graubünden Jura Luzern Neuenburg Nidwalden Obwalden St.Gallen Schaffhausen Schwyz Solothurn Thurgau Tessin Uri Waadt Wallis Zug Zürich Burgenland Kärnten Niederösterreich Oberösterreich Salzburg Steiermark Tirol Vorarlberg Wien Lombardei (Lombardia) Kampanien (Campania) Latium (Lazio) Sizilien (Sicilia) Venetien (Veneto) Piemont (Piemonte) Emilia-Romagna () Apulien (Puglia) Toskana (Toscana) Kalabrien (Calabria) Sardinien (Sardegna) Ligurien (Liguria) Marken ( Marche) Abruzzen (Abruzzo) Friaul-Julisch Venetien (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) Trentino-Südtirol (Trentino-Alto Adige) Umbrien (Umbria) Basilikata (Basilicata) Molise (Molise) Aostatal (Valle d’Aosta) Brüssel Antwerpen Limburg Ostflandern Flämisch-Brabant Westflandern Wallonisch-Brabant Hennegau Lüttich Luxemburg Namur state caton region province Postal code Your birth year I will hike or run in a team. Please include the following names in the finisher list. Team name Start date saison start: 1.7.2025 Start date Entering your expected start date helps us to plan your starter pack. If your plans change or unforeseen circumstances arise, you can change the reservation at any time. Simply follow the link in your confirmation email. How many days are you going to hike or run? 1 day (Gold) 2 days (Silver) 3 days (Bronze) Which starter kit can we reserve for you? Wie wirst Du fahren? Now (19 CHF) Card (24 CHF) Card + Stone (44 CHF) Card + Trophy (69 CHF) Classic (39 CHF) Classic + Stone (59 CHF) Classic + Trophy (84 CHF) Please fill out on return: cancelled Finish date and time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 15 30 45 Finisher category Gold Silver Bronze 3 Tage+ eMTB Package Card Card + Stein Card + Trophäe Classic Classic + Stone Classic + Trophy Yes, please use my name, finish date and finisher category in the finisher list on the Internet after my Hike. Yes, please send me more information on Stoneman – e.g. new Stoneman routes. Important: Your privacy We process your data electronically. We use it to manage your trip and improve the Stoneman experience. Please refer to our privacy policy ( for details. Yes, I have read the privacy policy and agree to use of my data as described. If you change your mind, you can object to the use of your data at any time. Reach us by e-mail Important: Your privacy Yes, I am aware of the individual risks and perils associated with hiking or trailrunning. I am in good health and sufficiently trained to practise this sport. I am on the Stoneman Glaciara Hike at my own peril. You will be in a sensitive environment: Please adhere to the Stoneman Rules and riding times as stated in your starter pack (route map and leaflet). You matter! How did you find out about the Stoneman? Please selectNewsletterHeroFreundeVereinsfreundePartnerFacebook/InstagramArbeitskollegenElternGoogleWebseite StonemanMesse/EventsArtikel in der ZeitungYoutubeArtikel in Bike-Magazin(en)Flyer in Bike24-PaketSonstiges Your inspiration Reserve your starter pack now » Perfect! Your starter pack has been reserved. We will send you a confirmation e-mail with further information within the next few minutes. If you do not receive an email within the next 15 minutes, please check your spam folder. Excellent! Your starter package is now reserved for you. If you are not automatically forwarded, please click here to pay for your starter package via PayPal. Perfect! The changes have been saved. The ride has been moved to the recycle bin. This window can be closed. Your reservation has been cancelled. This window can be closed.